This is the first of three bundles for teaching the IGCSE Drama Pre-release extract from A Woman in Waiting by Yaël Farber. Each bundle is a set of beautifully designed slides filled with practical activities to bring the play to life, followed by design tasks and written tasks that will help you help your students to approach the play from all angles: as a director, designer, and performer (from a practical and written perspective). There are sample answers for the writing tasks so your students can learn from good practice. You also receive student slides for each pack so that design and written tasks that can be done outside the practical space are recorded and can easily be submitted to you or a peer for marking via your digital platform at school.
This bundle includes:
Pre-reading activities
Context slides for understanding the world of the play
Two teaching units with students slides
Incomplete Unit Sheet
The next bundle will be the remaining three units for this extract, followed by exam prep, revision tasks, and mock exams with mark schemes in the final bundle, which will all be publish by late October / early November.