This is the second of three bundles for teaching the IGCSE Drama Pre-release extract for The Big Time by David Williamson (Zone 5&6 / Paper 13 / Extract 1/ Section A).
Each bundle is a set of beautifully designed slides starting with discussion questions, followed by practical activities to bring the play to life, and then design tasks and written tasks. This comprehensive approach will help you help your students to approach the play from all angles: as a director, designer, and performer (from a practical and written perspective). This pack focuses on the second half of the extract, shifting from 5 mark questions to 10 mark questions. As always, we demonstrate how to answer these and provide advice and guidance as well as breaking down our own writing process to make it accessible to students.
There is the second part of the student workbook, which can be printed or kept digitally, with questions, space for answers and marking rubrics all built in. The student design portfolio is also completed in this pack. This year we have added a simplified design version of each slide deck to be more inclusive of those who might find our slide designs too overwhelming or inaccessible. All our packs are editable so you can adapt for your students and context.
This bundle includes:
Four teaching units for teaching the second half of the extract
Simplified design versions of the slides for accessibility
Student booklet - can be printed or used digitally
Student design portfolio template
Completed units document
The final bundle (available on/before 15 October) will include exam prep, revision tasks, and mock exams with mark schemes.